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Terminal Instance

Terminal instance is the main API that allow you to interact with the jQuery Terminal library. To access the terminal instance you can use return value from terminal call. Or access it with this keyword inside methods.

const term = $('body').terminal({
echo(...args) {
this.echo(args.join(' '));
}, {
checkArity: false,
greetings: false

term.echo('Welcome to my terminal');

In above code you code we disabled the terminal and call echo on terminal instance in term constant. We also use this.echo(...) to implement echo command.

Common Tasks

Here is a list of most common task you can use with the Terminal. The full list of methos is in Reference Guide.

To print the text you use the echo method. The first argument is a value that you want to echo and the second are options. More about echo method in What you can echo? Guide.

Inserting Text Into the Command

To insert text into the command you can use

Changing the Command

To change the command you can use

Getting The Command

Clear the Terminal

Destroy the Terminal

Pause and Resume the Terminal

Reading Text from User

Updating Lines